Priestley Primary School
Over time, the internet has become an integral part of life. Its uses within school have a real impact on learning and can outside of school to. As part of the curriculum, children are taught to recognise how the internet can be used in and out of school for communication, information and creation. It is recognised that with the use of the internet comes responsibilities. In school children discuss safety regularly. This extends to how to be safe online and a responsible internet user.
Every year, we take part in ‘E-Safety day’ (in Term 3). We follow the themes set out by UK Safer Internet Centre: https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/. During computing lessons children discuss how they can be safe when using technology and what to do if they see something that they do not like or want to see.
Our E-Safety Policy can be found here: Safer Internet Access Policy
UK Safer internet Centre have created this guide Parent's Guide to help parents understand about different devices and the safety features which they can enable.
Useful links for information about E-safety:
Virgin Media - Children's Internet Safety Test
There have been recent reports in nearly every major news channel about ‘Momo’. To respond to this, please see below some useful posters on MOMO and many other social media sites your children may use. We hope this provides parents and carers with information to help.
Momo Online Safety Guide for Parents