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Starter Forms

When your child starts with us at Priestley there are a number of forms that we require you to complete, copies of these can be found below. If you are unable to print these forms, we will of course be able provide paper copies once the school reopens. 


Admission Form

To be completed with all your personal details, which enables us to enter your child onto our computer systems.


Admission Form


Home School Agreement

This leaflet sets out what standards and behaviour you as a parent, your child and the school agree to, in order to make sure your child gets the most out of their time at Priestley.  It also includes a list of permissions we require as part of our commitment to comply with GDPR and privacy regulations. It is your choice to agree/disagree with each individual statement.


Home School Agreement


Free School Meal Form 

From September 2014 ALL infant children, those in reception, year 1 and Year 2, will be entitled to free school meals. However, if your child would have been entitled to free school meals under the old system because you are receiving qualifying benefits, the government will give extra funding to your school known as Pupil Premium.  For the school and your child to benefit from this money we need to know if you are receiving any of the qualifying benefits listed on the form. If so, we would ask you to complete this form.  The school office can advise if you are not sure.


FSM Application Form


Tapestry Consent Form

All Reception children attending Priestley Primary School will have a personal online Learning Journey which records photos, observations and comments in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage.  For this we use a system called Tapestry and require permission from you to create an online account.


Tapestry Information and Consent Form


Dietary/Medical Needs Form

It is imperative that your child's current medical/dietary requirements are regularly updated on their school file and that up-to-date Health Care Plans are in place, where appropriate. We require this form to be completed before your child starts school.


Dietary/Medical Needs Form



Priestley Primary School, Prince Charles Drive, CALNE, Wiltshire SN11 8TG

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