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What does the Governing body do…?

We meet as a whole Governing body termly (Six times per year); we are also assigned to the Curriculum & Standards Committee or the Finance, Premises & Staffing Committee. These committees also meet six times per year.

The role of the committee's is to monitor data and information on the school's performance and how it compares nationally and at a county level. Where appropriate it is also the Governing body's role to ask questions, as a 'critical friend'. We ensure that relevant policies are current and appropriate and that teaching standards meet national requirements. From a budgetary point of view the Finance, Premises & Staffing committee is active in decision making on recruitment, the upkeep of the school and grounds including improvements scheduled and ensuring that school funds are spent in an appropriate way. It is not the Governing body's role to be involved in the day to day running of the school that sits with the Headteacher and the senior teaching team.

Each Governor also has responsibility for a particular subject area or part of the school for which we work with specific members of staff to monitor progress during the year.


The committees and their members are:


​Curriculum & Standards​​​

​​​Miss S Lawrance

​​​Mrs L Formoy-Brown - Chair​​

Mr S Tucker

Mr M McEvoy


​Finance, Premises & Staffing​​​​​

​​​Mrs J Funnell

Mr A Nourish




Priestley Primary School, Prince Charles Drive, CALNE, Wiltshire SN11 8TG

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