Priestley Primary School
School Meals
The hot meals we provide at Priestley are supplied for us daily by an outside catering company, Lataca. Your child can either have a hot school meal every day or if they prefer they can bring their own packed lunch. The meals we offer meet the strict requirements set out for schools in terms of balance and nutrition. All children have a choice of a meat or vegetarian main course, which is pre-ordered, and a dessert chosen on the day. There are 3 different weekly menus that work on a rotation basis. Please see an example of two weeks of menu choices below:
Your child will be able to order school meals through ParentPay System, these meals are free to pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 as part of the Infant Free School Meals initiative introduced by the government in 2014. If you receive certain benefits then you may be entitled to Free School Meals, which would continue throughout your child's time with us at Priestley and also benefits the school with extra funding known as Pupil Premium. Please contact the office for more advice and an application form.
Menu ordering must be done at least a week in advance. There are strict deadlines for ordering meals, they need to be completed for the week ahead by 12 midnight on the Tuesday of the week prior to the menu starting. Menu orders cannot be accessed after this time. Always remember to confirm your choices (this button can be found at the bottom of the ordering screen on ParentPay). Menus are shown for the whole academic year so you can order for more than one week at a time if you wish.
We will order meals for your child for the first two weeks at Priestley by which time you will have been issued with your ParentPay login.